So finally after weeks of trying to watch the Avatar 3D, using the Telia Tirsdag promotion (buy 1 get 1 free on tuesday), we managed to find a seat.
Not that I ever care to be the 1st watching a movie, but it is never too late, for a nine Oscar nominations movie, including best picture, best art direction, best sound editing, best sound mixing and, of course, best visual effects.
Anyway, mission accomplished. 2 hours and 40 minutes of pure 3D pleasure, done!
The story? Banal!
Same story, different movie. We had hundreds of such stories about the American colonialism around the world, whether in year 2000, 2010 or 2154, it is all the same. As Col. Miles Quaritch, the embodiment of American colonialism said: "we treat terror with terror" or translated to people's language, 'We want something, we call it terror, we are free to kill because we we kill for freedom'.
The destroyer, is american. The saviour, is american (Australian actually, but who cares..)
The visuals are amazing. Thinking that the human mind created such a world, so beautiful, so colorful, so fascinating - wow! The jungle looks like a place to fear of, but after all when we connect to it, when we bond, it is the safest place to be. It is the most beautiful place to be, it is where everything is complete, where spirituality flourishes and live.
This is not a review of the movie, it is just some thoughts i have..
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